5 Ways to make your garden an eco-friendly haven

25 June 2017  |  Admin

You may already be under the impression that your garden is already as green and environmentally-friendly as it can be, however it is often what we plant and the way we maintain our gardens that can have the most damaging effect.

Don’t worry, we are here to help, offering a few of our best tips and tricks for keeping your garden in tip-top condition, without damaging the environment in the process. Make sure you get into good gardening habits straight away and watch as your garden blossoms in a healthy and organic way.  

Create your own compost section

Creating your own compost section in your garden is extremely easy and cheap. Not to mention you halve your household waste, simply by disposing of perishable items in your compost heap instead of the bin.

To get started, you can either buy a plastic compost bin and hide it away in a corner of your garden, or create a small, fenced off area that is filled with nutrient rich soil. You can then start to discard your perishable waste in this section, allowing it to break down and create compost that is filled with amazing minerals for your garden.

Banish chemicals and pesticides

We want to keep our gardens as organic and natural as possible, that means banishing any and all chemicals and pesticides. Not only are they damaging to the environment, but they can also be hazardous to small children and animals.

If you are facing a slug or pest problem, have a look into homemade remedies, as these will often be created using normal, non-harmful products from your home.

Dispose of garden waste correctly

If you love to spend time in your garden and change up the layout and look year on year, you may be faced with the constant dilemma of how to get rid of your garden waste. Some things, like cuttings and other foliage, can be either put into compost or in the green recycling bins provided by the council.

However, you may have an old garden shed or swing set that has fallen to pieces and is taking up space. Many will throw these into the back of a van and take it straight down to the tip, but there is a better way. Contacting a garden waste disposal company will not only help you get rid of these unwanted items, but they can do it in the most environmentally-friendly way possible.  

Grow your own fruit and veg

Growing your own fruit and veg can help in many ways, the main one being that you reduce the amount of packaging created by store bought fruit and veg. It also has amazing benefits for your shopping bill and health.

Growing your own organic veg can provide you with a myriad of vitamins and minerals, completely untouched by chemicals. There is nothing more natural than eating veg that has come straight from the earth to your dinner table.

Solar is the way forward

Our garden is an extension of our home and we want to make sure it is a beautiful place to spend our free time. That may mean adding in a few extras such as garden lights.

If you choose to light up your garden at night, opt for solar lights. These use the sun’s rays to power them in the evening and require no extra wires or electricity.

Making your garden eco-friendly doesn’t have to mean a complete overhaul. Small changes can have a big impact and taking these first few steps will definitely put you on the path of becoming even more environmentally-friendly.